Animation, or amination as I like to call it, is super hard and time consuming. Directing on the other hand is alot of fun, there's a thousand more things to do, but the freedom to jump between each task is really appealing to me... bananna.
There's also a practical point to this post, that nobody will read most likely, voice actors! I wanna get your opinion on the character's voices and maybe also audition for them. Here's some character descriptions...
Ril Hooman - Good guy monster -Extremely tall 10ft monsters.
Not much is know about the Hoomans, They have a distinct alien look. They wear human clothes and live in the woods, scaring off anyone who believes them to not be human. On the other hand if you do believe, or pretend to believe they are human they are very welcoming and curious as they themselves want to be humans. A typical sentence they would say would be: “Hello Hooooman I’s Ril Hooman, I is hooman like you’ in a doofy manner, but cute and harmless. Contrasting that, when they’re angry (see image 3) they become larger, glow gree from their angry eyes and jagged mouth and scream in a booming voice.
Note: His name really is Ril. Hooman. - AKA real Human.
Voice: Goofy doofy fun, then contrasting angry deep but still mispronounced words.
Castle Hat Man - Tragic side character.
Just a dumb character that dances around with a castle on his head singing sings, but tragic things happen to him in kinda hilarious ways. Like his castle hat daughter dying, then afterwards he’ll walk off and sing his Castle Hat song is a sad manner. Potential side character, not very important.
Voice: Free range really - all for the joke so whatever’s funniest !
Gingerbread (/Ned) - Protagonist - Wise-Old-Man character.
The second half of the protagonist duo, gingerbread was created by Frank Cushing in his laboratory, due to a mishap involving the changing of channels to a old black and white karate movie, gingerbread came out with the spirit of a karate warrior. Due to his sentience and nimble parkour skills he managed to escape. He has a verging on racist Japanese/Chinese voice depending on which sounds better!
Voice: Chinese/Japanese - try a few takes that are more subtle and some super racist - try find a balance. Immagine a character out of a karate movie, where the lips don’t match the voice. I’m thinking of adding Chinese/Japanese subtitles to what he say’s just as a design choice/ thought it might be funny.
Old Man - Side Character.
I don’t know where I’m going to go with this character, he’s just a guy that looks on at the protagonists from afar and is a little creepy - I see him being a part of a bigger picture maybe once I start writing the series.
Vice: Creepy, old, lurker, maybe kinda like Zach’s voice from Sleepycabin, free range though really - this character isn’t really important.
Frank Cushing - Villain - Frankenstein-esque.
This guy is the antagonist, a creepy agoraphobic who creates creepy monsters to hunt down Gingerbread whom he also created, Gingerbread’s the only creature he’s created that is sentient.
He’s based on Peter Cushing, a guy who played Frankenstein in an old movie.
Voice: I don’t have much direction on this one, old guy, angry sound, british accent, see the movie he played Frankenstein in for more direction or have a go at something yourself :)
Arthur - Protagonist - Wise-Old-Man character.
He’s a clear little 10 year old with the voice of an old man. Is he possessed by the spirit of an old man or just highly intelligent? Nobody really knows - he’s just one creepy half of our protagonist duo. Brutally honest, quick witted but still young at heart some how.
Voice: So I imagine him having a monotone John Hurt type voice.
I realise there no context but Fu- ank you for reading.
PS. This might just be a character description dump and not actually a post - HAHA !